The PCIS Gold FHIR api conforms to the official FHIR API specs. See HL7 FHIR for detailed FHIR information.

The client and user authentication steps require use of PKCE during the code and token flow and generation. See PKCE for more information.

APIs supported

Operation Http Request Method Parameters Response Type
Read /AllergyIntolerance/{id} GET id (string) AllergyIntolerance FhirResponse
Search /AllergyIntolerance?[parameter={value}] GET patient (string), clinical-status (string) AllergyIntolerance FhirResponse
Read /CarePlan/{id} GET id (string) CarePlan FhirResponse
Search /CarePlan?[parameter={value}] GET patient (string), category (string) CarePlan FhirResponse
Read /CareTeam/{id} GET id (string) CareTeam FhirResponse
Search /CareTeam?[parameter={value}] GET patient (string), status (string) CareTeam FhirResponse
Read /DocumentReference/{id} GET id (string) DocumentReference FhirResponse
Search /DocumentReference?[parameter={value}] GET patient (string), type (string), category (string), date (daterange) DocumentReference FhirResponse
Search CCDA /DocumentReference/$docref?[parameter={value}] GET patient (string), date (daterange) DocumentReference FhirResponse
Read /DiagnosticReport/{id} GET id (string) DiagnosticReport FhirResponse
Search /DiagnosticReport?[parameter={value}] GET patient (string), category (string), date (daterange), code (string) DiagnosticReport FhirResponse
Read /Encounter/{id} GET id (string) Encounter FhirResponse
Search /Encounter?[parameter={value}] GET patient (string), date (daterange) Encounter FhirResponse
Read /Goal/{id} GET id (string) Goal FhirResponse
Search /Goal?[parameter={value}] GET patient (string) Goal FhirResponse
Read /Condition/{id} GET id (string) Condition FhirResponse
Search /Condition?[parameter={value}] GET patient (string) Condition FhirResponse
Read /Observation/{id} GET id (string) Observation FhirResponse
Search /Observation?[parameter={value}] GET patient (string), date (daterange), category (string), code (string) Observation FhirResponse
Read /Immunization/{id} GET id (string) Immunization FhirResponse
Search /Immunization?[parameter={value}] GET patient (string) Immunization FhirResponse
Read /Medication/{id} GET id (string) Medication FhirResponse
Read /MedicationRequest/{id} GET id (string) MedicationRequest FhirResponse
Search /MedicationRequest?[parameter={value}] GET patient (string), intent (string), status (string) MedicationRequest FhirResponse
Read /Procedure/{id} GET id (string) Procedure FhirResponse
Search /Procedure?[parameter={value}] GET patient (string), date (daterange) Procedure FhirResponse
Read /Provenance/{id} GET id (string) Provenance FhirResponse
Search /Provenance?[parameter={value}] GET target (string) Provenance FhirResponse
Read /Device/{id} GET id (string) Device FhirResponse
Search /Device?[parameter={value}] GET patient (string) Device FhirResponse